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Calcutta (Kolkata) 2

Kolkata is the last town in India with human-powered rickshaws

Vegetable market Calcutta

Auctioneers at the vegetable market

Butcher at New Market Calcutta

Very colourful flowershop at New Market

Old colonial buildings near Park Street

Queue up for visiting Indian Museum

Hundreds of yellow taxis in town

Entrance of Victoria Memorial Hall (1921)

Victoria Memorial Hall (1921)

Victoria Memorial Hall
One of my favorite pictures

Victoria Memorial Hall (1921)

St. Paul's Cathedral Kolkata (1847)

St. Paul's Cathedral Kolkata (1847)

Nice dahlias in the gardens near St. Paul's Cathedral (1847)

Nice dahlias in the gardens near St. Paul's Cathedral (1847)

Goats in the centre of Calcutta on the way to ??

In India trees really grow into heaven

Sunglow in Calcutta

Just a nice statue near New Market

Characteristic bill-boards