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Srinagar Centre�- Kashmir

Hazratbal mosque in Srinagar

Shaliman Bagh Garden

Shaliman Bagh Garden

Shaliman Bagh garden
Students posing spontaneous for picture

Shaliman Bagh Garden

Shaliman Bagh garden
Nice fountains but, unfortunately, not in use during our visit

Dredging an excess of water plants

Srinagar Centre

Shah Hamdan Mosque in Srinagar Centre

Beautiful Shah Hamdan MosqueHelaas geen toegang voor niet moslims

Rear side of the Shah Hamdan MosqueNice mosaic

Srinagar Centre - shopping centre

Snrinagar centre during rain

Jama Masjid Mosque in the centre of Srinagar

Jama Masjid Moskee - the biggest mosque of Kashmir

Black-crowned Night Heron with juvenile in the water lilies

Shikara-boat tour across the lakes of Srinagar

Washing day

Direction City-centre by Shikara

Mind your steps !

End of a nice boattour across Old Srinagar